Mania Spanou commenced her educational journey at Varvakios Model High School, culminating in a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the American College of Greece, Deree College, in 1996. Following her academic achievements, she embarked on her professional career by joining AFCO in 1996, where she initially took on a role in operations management.
In 2005, concurrently engaged in her professional responsibilities at the company and driven by a commitment to advancing both her career and the organization, Mania pursued additional academic accomplishments, she earned her Executive MBA from ALBA Graduate Business School. Leveraging the insights gained from this advanced education, she played a pivotal role in steering the development of AFCO’s food, feed, and pharma department, contributing significantly to the company’s growth and diversification.
Currently, Mania holds a multifaceted position within AFCO. Beyond her role in departmental development, she shoulders the responsibilities of overseeing Human Resources and administrative operations across the entire company. Her vision is centered on fostering a culture of high-quality services that distinguish AFCO in the industry.
Since 2016 Mania Spanou was appointed Vice President of the company.
Her journey exemplifies a commitment to education, professional growth, and making a lasting impact within the organization.